Festival Policies and Waiver


The Dragon Days™ Fantasy Festival is in honor of Gary Gygax, the creator of Dungeons & Dragons® (D&D®), the world’s most famous roleplaying game. It’s also in honor of the City of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, the birthplace of D&D®.

To that goal of honoring Gary Gygax and Lake Geneva, Dragon Days™ Fantasy Festival: Fantasy Crossroads of the World Festival©™ has in place several guiding policies and a legal waiver.

First and foremost is the Good Manners Policy [PDF]. We request that all Festival participants and attendees please be familiar with this policy.

What better way to celebrate the Dragon Days™ Fantasy Festival than by dressing up in a D&D® themed fantasy costume? The Costume Policy [PDF} applies to anyone who would wish to wear a costume.

And whether wearing costume or not, what better way to celebrate the Dragon Days™ Fantasy Festival than by dressing up with a D&D® themed weapon? The Weapons Policy [PDF] applies to anyone who desires to bring a weapon(s) to the Festival, or to purchase them at the Festival.

And, wearing costume or not, what better way to celebrate the Dragon Days™ Fantasy Festival than by bringing along a D&D® themed animal companion or familiar? The Pets Policy [PDF] applies to anyone who desires to bring a pet to the Festival.

DragonDays™ Fantasy Festival Attendee WAIVER

I, an attendee of the DragonDays™ Fantasy Festival, whether as a vendor or merchant of any kind, performer, demonstrator, guest, or attending participant, hereby agree to release, waive, discharge DragonDays™ Fantasy Festival and the Gygax Memorial Fund, its directors, owners, producers, agents, staff paid or volunteers (hereinafter The Foundation and Staff) for any and all liabilities, lawsuits, claims of loss, demands, injury serious or trivial, illness, destruction or damage to property from acts of god or acts of man , acts that cause disability and or death from this day forward to the end of time for my appearance at the DragonDays™ Fantasy Festival event. This Indemnity covers any situation outlined above for me, or any and all Acts intentionally or negligently caused by me, or my attending family.

I intend by this document to be my waiver of liability, and to Hold Harmless the Fund and Staff, for any damage I do to any DragonDays™ Fantasy Festival Venue, either by my actions or inactions, intentional, or accidental, or by act of God. To reimburse within 14 days any damage complaint filed by a DragonDays™ Fantasy Festival Venue or the City and given to The Foundation and Staff.

I agree to give The Foundation and Staff the right to photograph, video, video or audio tape, film, stream, tweet, twitch, instagram, facebook, or any other medium that is inexistence now or is created in the future images of me and my family for the period of 75 years to publicizing, advertising, or promoting the faire. Following the passage of the 75 years, the faire reserves the right to renegotiate with the Attendee for additional time to be agreed between the Attendee and The Foundation and staff.

It Is my Express Intent to bind not only myself to this Indemnity and Hold Harmless Agreement, but also my family including my significant other including my heirs, assigns, my estate and estate heirs and their personal representatives. This Indemnity and Hold Harmless shall survive my death and will continue in full force and effect for ever.