32 - Gary & Gail Gygax's Home (Magister's Abode)
316 Madison Street, Lake Geneva, WI 53147
Gary & Gail Gygax's home where they raised their son Alex Gygax. Here Gary penned his Dangerous Journeys role-playing game, Magister Setne Imhotep novels, Legendary Adventures role-playing game, Gygaxian Worlds, Hall of Many Panes, Castle Zagyg, and numerous other works. His fans continued to flock to Lake Geneva to attend a gaming convention founded by Gary, Lake Geneva Gaming Convention, from 2005 through 2007 with the final posthumous convention held in 2008. During these events he and his wife hosted porch-parties for the attendees welcoming them into their loving home. It was here, on March 8th, 2008 that Gary passed into his last great adventure, another dimension to discover and explore.